Just for the record, can you state your name and role in the band.
Ian, and I play guitar and sing in In Her Own Words.
How have the fans reacted to your new single "Timeless"?
We've actually received a surprisingly great reaction to the new song we've put out. Another new song will actually be put out on 3/12/12. These two releases are the first we've had since parting ways with our old singer, so they were taking a big step forward for us. The first has gone over well, and it's making us stoked to put out our first full-length album.
Recently you announced that you will be releasing two new songs. "Timeless'' was one of them, can you name the next one?
Come to our Facebook, or youtube, or wherever you can find it on 3/12!!
How is the work on your full length going?
Pretty smooth. No matter what we're always writing whatever comes to our heads, so we already have material, and we're still trying to come up with even more to pick and choose what will make it on there for the final product. We'll be sure to have an extensive blog for the fun-filled recording process!
How does the writing/recording process differ from your previous EP?
For these two new songs, it was actually very similar. I handled all of the tracking just like the EP. The only differences were in recording drums, and our mixing engineer. For drums we rented out Panda Studios and I worked on the drums there, as opposed to using my living room for the drums on the EP haha. We were hoping to have Bert from Chunk! mix these two new songs down like he did on "Brand New Me," but with his busy touring schedule he was unable to, and we had to find another mixing engineer. We chose to go with Nick Ingram.
What are the themes and influences for the new album??
Most anything. We all listen to a pretty wide variety of music, so influences span from embarrassing shit like Demi Lovato (her older stuff), to bands like Comeback Kid and Stick To Your Guns (and everything in-between). A huge influence, and personally my favorite band, would be Blink-182. Grew up listening to their shitty punk rock on albums like Buddha and Dude Ranch, and it gives me hope to make something out of our crappy band.
What's your favorite moment from the xeasycorex.net tour?
I'd have to say the San Antonio, TX show at the White Rabbit. It popped off and was the best night on tour for sure. The kids have shown an AMAZING amount of support every time we've come through there. They've also make sure to hook it up with free burritos, cozy places to stay, and good times. What more could a baby touring band ask for?
What are your favorite songs to play live?
Recently, we added "Josie" by Blink as a cover song on our set. That might be my favorite, because we didn't write it.
Thanks a lot for your time, anything else you'd like to add for the fans?
Get amped for the coming album. Follow us on Twitter: @InHerOwnWords, and if you've got a minute, vote for us to get a chance to win two weeks on Warped! warped.battleofthebands.com/InHerOwnWords
"Timeless" is now available in iTunes.
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