Band Bucket

Interview: Code Orange Kids

Written By Unknown on Saturday, June 16, 2012 | 12:10 AM

Code Orange Kids  are a young and energetic quartet from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who play no frills hardcore punk. They are different, honest and in your face. Who will not be mistaken for any other band, for their sound, look and attitude is unique. Code Orange Kids have Reba(Guitar), who is ‘one of the boys’ and man she can growl/scream with equal aggression as Jami (Drums)and Eric.(Guitar). there you have the haunting sound the band completed with Joe’s bass lines. The facts that Jami,Reba and Eric share vocal duties makes the band’s sound all the more unique. Furthermore the band’s uniqueness is not only characterised by their sound, their live performance is just as awe inspiring. This band will definitely withstand the test of time.

Currently signed to Deathwish Inc.  they have three releases and a split with Full Of Hell which released on April 24 via Topshelf Records. And toured the States with Xerxes, Touche Amore and  Defeater.

We recently got a chance to ask Jami a couple of questions on what the band has developed into today and their debut album.

One unique feature of the band as we have noticed is how you share the vocal duties. How did
that idea came about?

We kinda just started doing it! i always wrote the lyrics and so i sang and drummed and i would kind of give everyone parts. it just kind of naturally happened. as we developed our voices it became easier to figure out who was gonna do what etc. i usually arrange whos doing what and its always worked out!

Where do you get all the energy for all these energy and grit for your in your face live

Uh, i dont know really! we love playing and it means alot to us. this is clique as fuck but we try really hard to put every thing we have into every single show. that is punk and that is hardcore to me. Any emotion i can muster up i put out there and i know that my guys and girl do the same.

How was it touring with bands like Xerxes, Touche Amore and Defeater. Apart from 'it was fun'?

It was great! those guys are all very close friends now and touring with them was a really cool experience. the xerxes tour was very different from the touche defeater tour which was different from our tour with full of hell - the past few months have been insane and weve got to have alot of really cool experiences with our friends in all different scenarios.

How was the recording process for your debut LP? When can your fans get their hands on it?

Recording was really great. it was really exciting to see songs weve been working on for so long come to fruition and im really really happy with the finished product. i think it is our best stuff to date by very far.

How was it like working with Kurt Ballou who has worked with bands like Orchid and Verse?

It was fantastic! he has done tons of our favorite records and was a really great guy to work with. Tought us good stuff and was a lot of fun.

What are your expectations and what should the fans expect from the debut album? Have you decided the name of the album yet?

I dont really have any expectations but we all love the record and hopefully other people will too. if not, whatever! im really proud of it. we have a name but its a secrettttt

 Have you planned out tour dates to support/promote the LP. Which bands will be supporting you? Will your tour date include only US or planning on hitting other shores too?

When the record comes out we will probably be supporting somebody else! not sure who yet. figuring stuff out now. we will be playing everywhere in the next year.

Apart from being ‘code orange kids’, what else do you guys do.

We play in two other bands called Adventures and Lillith. Lillith just had a record come out and adventures has one coming out soon. thats basically all any of us do. work, practice, hang out, eat stuff when possible.

A message for your fans.
Thank you to anyone who supports us. we will keep working hard to earn that support. see everyone and anyone soon.

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