Band Bucket

Interview: Lower Lands- "Do something because you want to do it, notbecause you think you have to."

Written By Unknown on Thursday, August 23, 2012 | 8:30 PM

Almost a year after their first album, ‘This was not Our Greatest Endeavour,’ Lower Lands released their second album, ‘Growing Pains,’ on the 5th of May, under I Am Mighty Records.

It’s been 2 years since Benji Inkley (guitar), Paul Howells (guitar), Jacob Jarvis (bass) and Sam Girling (drums) formed the band from the humble confines of their college class room. But in this short span of time the boys from Lincoln, UK are gaining a fast growing fan base. And why wouldn’t they? With their headstrong attitude to simply do what they love and keep things real, they only amplify the appeal of their vibrant music and ever-relatable lyrics.

We had the opportunity of catching up with these guys on their musical journey, their influences, and aspirations to take over the world, Michael Jackson style:

1. Hello! Briefly tell us how the band came together.
Yo! 3 dudes listened to Reuben and decided they wanted to be Jamie Lenman. A 4th dude heard about this and jumped straight out of his old band into this one.

2. You’re a relatively young band, in age and with reference to the when your musical career began. Does your fast gaining popularity intimidate you?
It’s definitely surprising! We had no idea what kind of reaction stuff like the video was going get. So when people are sharing it and talking about it, it still sweeps us off our feet a little bit.

3. Where do you see the band in 2 years time?
Outselling Michael Jackson then all getting addicted to crystal meth.

4. What was the most challenging part in creating the EP?
Getting the most out of having NO money whatsoever.

5. Your previous EP ‘This Was Not Our Greatest Endeavour,’ is a great album. How would you say you have grown musically, as a band in the past two years?
Thanks! We’ve grown so much and will continue to grow as musicians and people. We all started off at one point and now our lives and influences are branching out and it’s definitely having an effect on the music. (Hopefully for the better!)

6. How have things changed for you got signed from ‘I Am Mighty Records.’?
We’re able to tackle a lot more stuff at once. It’s been great getting I Am Mighty and some other people involved with what we’re doing because we can sort of do everything at once now, whereas before it was like “Right, we can’t do ANYTHING other than focus on this one thing.”

7. I am sure, that there are a lot of people out there vouching for you. What would you like to say to all the music lovers out there?
Do something because you want to do it, not because you think you have to.

Currently, the band is on tour with other awesome acts such as Hawthorne Heights and Burn the Fleet. So try and catch them on their live set while you can.

Be sure to check 'Growing Pains' out and for more on Lower Lands check out:



I Am Mighty Records
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