From out of Malaysia comes the post hardcore band, AZUREFORJANNE. The five-piece is currently working on a new EP titled A Common State Of Liberty .These guys haven’t been a band for long, but they are making a big statement with their music.They have shared stages with acts like Asking Alexandria and Dream On Dreamer. We got the opportunity to ask them few questions about the band formation, their new EP etc. Check out what they had to say below.
First of all, state your names and role in the band.
Bryan (Drums), Kevin (Bass), Irfan (Guitar), Russel (Guitar) and SanJay (Vocals)
How long have you been together and how did the band came into existence?
We've been a band for 2 years now. We just celebrated our 2nd year anniversary on Jan 19 2013! It started off with a few friends who shared the same passion the music and tadaaaaaa! we formed the band. Although there were changes with a few members throughout, we've never been more happy with where and what we are today.
Describe your sound for those who haven't heard of you yet.
We're basically a post-hardcore band - we have a good mix of heavy riffing and soft melodies with rough and some clean vocals. However we like to be experimental at the same time; playing whatever sounds good. It's as simple as that!
Your new single "THE FINISHER" is very impressive, what has been the overall response? Do you guys take care of the recording and production yourself?
Thank you! The response was overwhelming given the fact that we're still relatively a new band, or at least new to the local scene here in Malaysia. We write, pre-produce, record and monitor the recording process, which is done by Nash Muhandes (The Band Shop).
Speaking of “THE FINISHER” this is your first music video. How do you feel about it ?
We actually feel good about it. It was purely DIY and we enjoyed every single bit of it. The planning, making, shooting and editing of The Finisher was all done by a group of our friends who had no experience or their first time shooting a music video. We took a gamble, and we are contented with the outcome given the fact it was an experimental and first music video. More to come from us in the near future!
Tell us a bit about the writing and recording process of the album, When can your fans get their hands on it?

Would you consider yourself a DIY band? What kind of difficulties do DIY bands have to deal with in Malaysia?
We're definitely DIY. Just like what DIY bands all over the world commonly face, we definitely face financial struggles as well; from funding recording to video production, to travelling and equipment maintenance. Promotional stuff can all be done with good financial support, so we guess that falls under the same category. Mainly, being in a heavy band in Malaysia also limits the chances of getting exposure as heavy music is still relatively new here, and it’s still not widely accepted among the masses. Guess every heavy band in the world face the same problems, but if we’re playing music for the right reasons, we will persevere
There are tons of Post Hardcore bands in Malaysia, how is AZUREFORJANNE different from them?
I guess because we go with the philosophy of "playing whatever sounds/feels good", we may bring in different elements into our music, even if it is not defined as "post-hardcore". We don't mind playing something that's completely different. As long as it sounds good, we roll.
Thank you for your time, anything else you'd like to add for the readers?
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who stood by us through thick and thin with us till today. Thank you for putting us where we are today. We are truly grateful towards every single one of you. We’d be releasing new merch(s), few new songs and new music videos throughout the year and we’re planning and putting in work for a possible Malaysian, Borneo and South East Asian tour before the end of 2013.
A story that leads to a thousand tales begins here, and we swear this is only the beginning. See you guys soon! #dreambigstaygold
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