Band Bucket

Interview: The Never Ever

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | 5:06 PM

Never Ever will power-pop/Rock die as long as we have bands as The Never Ever, keep on doing what they do best. The Never Ever is made up of the five  energetic  talented boys and girls. Well, actually three  boys and two girls to be precise. Hailing from Sydney, Australia, this band has definitely set the benchmark for any other upcoming talent. Barely 12 days  has passed since the release of  the EP Breathe, which is the follow up to their successful debut EP Dancefloors and Dinosaurs. ‘Breathe’ is now the talk of the town. So, do yourself a favor go get a copy from iTunes and be the cool kid.

Without wasting much time here is Band Bucket’s interview with Dylan Nash (Vocals) of The Never Ever.

Give us a short intro regarding who will be answering the questions and your line up.

My name’s Dylan and I sing for The Never Ever, made up of myself, Pat- bass/vocals, Lani- Synth, Brad- Guitar and Jess – drums.

Congratulations, you have released the second EP 'Breathe' on 16th March 2012

Thanks so much, we’re so excited and relieved to have finally released it, it’s been a long time in the making and we couldn’t be more proud.

How has been the fans and critics response regarding Breathe EP.

So far, the response has been really flattering, they seem to be enjoying the new songs- we’ve been playing a few of them live on the last tour and It’s great to hear that people are enjoying the recorded versions.

Can you tell us more about the EP, like the composing, recording process, the songs?

The songs on this EP are a mixture of old ideas that have been floating around forever and some brand new material that we wrote and demoed in my music room over a really intense couple of weeks. We posted a youtube mini-series called “Behind Breathe” in the lead up to the release date which captured the creative process and meaning behind the songs, which is worth a watch if you want to know more about this stuff.

And how is Breathe  different from Dancefloors and Dinosaurs.

Overall, I think this release is a lot more mature. It’s definitely more musically satisfying for us to play live and we worked fairly on making sure that no two songs sounded alike. This time, the lyrics are a lot more personal and we experimented with different electronic genres, as our programming ability has improved significantly since the last release.

The Never Ever - Love's Got Me Tipsy

You have a nationwide tour scheduled to support Breathe. Do you feel any kind of pressure, considering the fact that you have achieved so much in two years?

We definitely felt the pressure to improve and better our last release during the writing process of the EP and this was definitely reflected in the lyrics, (the song Glow (Follow Me) is all about that) but when it comes to these upcoming tours, we can’t wait to get out there and play these new songs in some places we haven’t been for six months or more.

Will you be teaming up with other bands/special appearance for this tour? If yes who?

We wanted to have a unique lineup for the majority of the shows on this tour and as a result, each bill is really strong. We’ve got a ton of friends playing with us on this tour such as The Monster Goes Rawrrr, A Sleepless Melody and Daylight Hours and we can’t wait to catch up and play some awesome shows.

Any cool secrets behind the name The Never Ever?

We actually discovered the name whilst sifting through an art book, (pretentious right?) we came across a painting that was really vibrant, fun and positive and it basically summarized everything that we want our music and band to represent. It was called, “The Never Ever” – so we stole it…

As a band you have been together for like two years, however did the members always knew each other?

Either through connections from pervious bands, (Pat and I played in a band together and so did Jess and Brad) or mutual friends- the area we live has always had a fairly strong music scene and so we were all somehow interrelated, the planets aligned and here we are.

If not musicians then what would you be.

I’d probably be on my way to becoming a physiotherapist, Lani and Pat would be pursuing science, Jess would be the owner of Dick Smith and Brad would be entering every reality TV show in existence.

What’s it’s like to have two awesome female musicians in the band.

It brings a great dynamic to way our band words and it helps us all keep each other in check. They’re both great at their instruments and it’s great to see so many young girls picking up rock instruments and citing Jess and Lani as their inspiration.

The band's Facebook page lists the band as 'Unsigned', which we thought was an error.

Haha nope, its not an error, we are 100% unsigned. We’re a real DIY band and luckily everyone in the band has their own skill areas to contribute e.g. Lani does all of our artwork, website and merch design.

Any particular place or show you would like to perform. Why?

It’s a dream for all of us to be able to go overseas and record or perform. Personally, I’d love to go to Japan as I love the culture and want to spend all my money on anime paraphernalia.

Any big names you would like to tour with?

Our childhood dreams were fulfilled when we found out that we’d be supporting Simple Plan and We The Kings on their Australian tour in June. There’s a list of bands that we’d love to play with but I don’t want to be greedy ha-ha.

Obvious question now: What's in for the future for Never Ever, because they say the world ends in 2012.

Don’t get Jess started on the topic of 2012... ha-ha but seriously, we’ve got another tour and then we’re looking at a new video clip and getting back into writing again, as we’ve got a ton of ideas. Jess may be hiding in a bunker for the second half of this year but the rest of us will be making the most of the year, who knows what’s going to pop up in the next year?

A shout out to your fans.....

To everyone who supports us and our music, we couldn’t be more appreciative, we’re so fortunate to be able to be able to travel the country to play to you and hopefully you all enjoy our new CD - we’ll see you at a show soon!

Best of Luck and once again thank you for dropping by at Band Bucket

Thanks so much for the opportunity, have a great day!

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